from: Hyacinth Christian, Choir Leader, Hornsey Moravian Church, London
Background: Hyacinth presented Klaus with two new hymns the choir wanted to sing in two weeks' time. They had been copied from an old hymn book, re-copied several time, had become faint, were rather small and difficult to read. Klaus scanned them and worked them over on his computer to make them more readable and to enlarge them. One of the hymns was rather high, so Klaus transposed it by hand. He sent the resulting pdf files to Hyacinth.
On 17 August 2016 Hyacinth emailed as follows:
Dear Klaus
You are amazing, the copies are so clear, and you even copied the music by hand. Thank you soooo much, for all the time and effort you put into doing this.
Br. Joachim has not done his order of service as yet but as soon as I have it, I will send it over to you. Once again thanks for everything.
Every blessing