On Friday, 5 January 2024, Klaus received an e-mail from Angela Seymour, Parish Administrator of St Mark's, St John's Wood, London NW9-0DP, asking if he could step in at short notice, on Sunday, 7 January. Klaus was no longer available because he was playing in a Hornsey church but gave Angela detailed advice on where to advertise to get somebody else. He told her of some other days when he would be free. In response, Klaus received the following e-mail:
Angela Seymour
7 January 2024
Hi Klaus
Thank you for your amazing and informative email.
I appreciate very much the information you have shared. Lucky Hornsey to have you!
I have copied in our vicar, Mother Kate, in case we need to take you up on your offer.
Happy Epiphany to you too.
Wishing you all the best.