Essex RM1, Romford, St Alban The Protomartyr
Rector: Father Hingley
Date: 5 November 2018
Background (written by Klaus Bung): Klaus Bung has been playing for 'Evensong with Benediction' twice a month for several years now. The service includes one or two psalms from Nicholson's Parish Psalter, four hymns (more on special occasions, like the patronal festival), and a regularly changing variety of settings of the Magnificat, Nunc dimittis, O salutaris hostia (in English) and Tantum ergo (in English) and the usual Preces (Ferial responses). It requires much improvisation.
Father Hingley, the Rector of St Alban Protomartyr in Romford, Essex, who does not have email, is willing to give a reference if you phone him at:
t: 01708-473 580