St Marien with St Georg, German Lutheran Church

Note by Klaus Bung: Before this memorable service, the organ key could not be found, Klaus moved to the piano, but two minutes before the start of the service, the organ keys suddenly appeared, and KB sat down for the first time at this organ.

Before the service, he had thoroughly discussed every detail of the liturgy with Pastor Waldemar Radacz (when the Pastor says 'freak of liturgy', he means 'liturgically very much aware') and been given the names (not only the numbers) of the hymns to be played, including 'Tochter Zion' (No 13, tune: Maccabaeus) for the end of the service. The woman responsible for the hymns board had been given only the numbers, including No 44 for the end of the service.

At the end of the service KB played an elaborate prelude to 'Tochter Zion' (Daughter of Zion, rejoice) transposed down to C. When he struck the first chord for the congregation (C-major), the congregation started singing No 44, 'O du fröhliche' (tune: O Sanctissima) with gusto. KB recognised that their first two notes, a long G and A, were old pals, and switched instantly to playing 'O du fröhliche' (O you cheerful blessed time of Christmas). Nobody noticed anything wrong, except that the prelude must have appeared rather irrelevant. The Pastor's word 'Geistesgegenwart' (presence of mind) refers to this incident.

After the service, KB sent the Pastor six recommendations on how to prevent the keys problem from recurring in future. The Pastor sent two e-mails of thanks to KB and one email to Philip Norman, the regular organist at St Marien, for whom KB had been standing in. The following quotes are taken from these e-mails. English is not the Pastor's native language.

Pastor Waldemar Radacz
St Marien with St Georg, German Lutheran Church
10 Sandwich Street, Kings Cross
London WC1H-9PL

Date: 15 December 2015

Lieber Klaus,

danke vielmals für Deine ausführliche Antwort.
(Thanks for your detailed reply.)

Es war für mich eine große Freude mit Dir den Gottesdienst, zu gestalten.
(It was a great pleasure for me to create this service together with you.)

Ich werde noch auf die enzelnen Punkte eingehen.
(I will discuss the various points later in detail.)

In Ganzen: danke für Deine Geistesgegenwart.
(Altogether: thank you for your presence of mind.)


Date: 16 December 2015

Lieber Klaus,

ich habe Deine suggestions an Dr. Lincoln geschickt. Sie sind klug, praktisch und sind anzuwenden.
(I have sent your suggestions to Dr Lincoln. They are wise, common-sense and can be put into practice.)


Deine Flexibilität und Strenge der Befolgung der liturgischen Struktur des Gottesdienstes sind beispielhaft. Danke dafür.
(Your flexibility and keenness on following the liturgical structure of the service are exemplary. Thank you for that.)

Wir können von Dir sehr viel lernen.
(We can learn much from you.)



Date: 16 December 2015

Dear Philip,

I would like to thank you for the excellent organist Dr Klaus Bung on the 13th of December.

As you know, to be an organist with Waldemar is an enormous challenge, which drives crazzy every solid organist.
He was well organized as a liturgical freak and at the same time very flexibel. There are some wonderful example.
I would like to thank you for him and hope at the end of my duty at St Marys to clarify few things concerning liturgy.


With regards