Note: This was a particularly sad occasion, on 3 August 2016, the funeral of Jesse Moses, a 23-year-old chemistry student at Christ Church, Oxford, who had just passed his B.Sc. in Chemistry. The funeral was attended by his family and his fellow students from Oxford, and the service was conducted jointly by the Revd Clare Hayns, Chaplain at Christ Church Oxford and by the Dean of Christ Church, the Revd Martyn Percy. On 6 August, Klaus received an email from the Revd Clare Hayns.

Date: 6 August 2016

Dear Klaus,

It was very good to meet you last week and this is just a short note to warmly thank you for the kind and sensitive way in which you played at the funeral for Jesse Moses.

It was a difficult occasion, but both the Dean and I were thankful that it went as well as could be expected, and Jesse's mother was pleased with the service.

Thank you.

Best regards


Revd Clare Hayns
Chaplain and Welfare Coordinator
Christ Church