St Peter, Chalvey, Slough SL1, Berkshire
Note: At the end of this funeral service the CD player refused to play the popular song for the exit procession. At a sign from the team vicar, Father Alistair C Stewart (PhD), Klaus therefore improvised a Marche funèbre. While he was playing this, Father Alistair, who had to go to the cemetery with the funeral procession, placed a heavy padlock on the organ bench and asked Klaus to put out the candles and lock the church before leaving. Klaus then noticed that the lights were still on and the fan heaters were running at full blast, managed to find all the switches and turned all the devices off.>
A few days later, he received the following e-mail from Father Alistair.
Fr Alistair C Stewart, PhD
Team vicar of Upton cum Chalvey, Slough, UK
t: 01753-520 725
Saturday, 27 February 2016
A slightly belated thank-you for rising to the occasion and the task on Thursday and for taking the time to turn off the lights as well as padlocking the door. It turns out the sacristan just forgot! And thank-you for also for jumping in when the CD decided to play silly buggers. You were able to bring the best out of our eccentric instrument.
I will keep your details for the next time I need a weekday casual.
Many thanks again: